CAP General Meeting Notes

October 6, 2020

1:00 pm – 1:40 pm, via Zoom


Monthly budget and YTD presented at meeting. It is slow, because of Covid.
$192.89 came in this quarter from FredMeyer Rewards. Budget for this year is posted on the CAP Website.

BYLAW CHANGE VOTING – due to our online format, we took a vote based on Suzanne reading each section and asking for objections. There were no objections, so all 3 motions carried, and the new bylaws are approved.


  • We gave a going-away gift to Mrs. Hart, as she was transferred to RHL.
  • We gave welcome gifts / cards / giftcards for the 4 new teachers.
  • We have made contact with all facebook parent groups by grade, and have an up-to-date list. If you are interested in connecting with other parents, send us an email and we can help you get in contact with the correct moderator. We also shared this info in the breakout groups at the end of the meeting.
  • Teacher encouragement – monthly, small gifts to encourage them during this trying time. CAP is looking for a coordinator for this position. Suzanne can cover this month, but would love for someone else to partner with this. (Hollie A. said she is willing to partner with Suzanne, or at least take a month.)



  • Meeting Times – the majority of people would like to try to meet in the evening from 6-7 p.m. (31%), followed closely by continuing to meet from 1-2 (27%). Therefore, our November meeting will be held in the evening, from 6-6:40 p.m., via Zoom. We will give it a try and see how it goes.
    Community Connectedness Ideas – Thanks for all the great ideas! We discussed some venues / volunteer opportunities today – We could use:

    • anOnlineSharingCoordinator(ClusterCoordinator-trynewclustersweekly),
    • a Minecraft Coordinator / Moderator (Megan T. said she is interested in helping with this),
    • a PenPal Coordinator, and
    • A Book Exchange Coordinator? We asked about the district’s position on having kids come to campus a t all. Mr. Cowl said the 3rd and 4th graders are doing drive-through book pickup already. It may be a possibility, but there may be concerns, both with weather and social distancing. He said it’d probably be best to coordinate with a time the teachers are already going to be doing a drive-through. Pfeiffer and Bourgess are already filling that need, so maybe CAP doesn’t need to do this at this time. Melissa W. is asking about using the church overhang when the weather is bad, and Mr. Cowl said that is something a coordinator could check into. He doesn’t know if it’s a possibility or not.



  • Payback Book Fundraiser – was set to officially end Oct. 2 – we have only sold 65 books so far – Tammy H. said Ted Schamp (publisher) is fine to run the sale for another month to see if we can get our numbers up (last year, it was over 500 books). He’d like us to try to sell more and go through the end of November. What he wants is to keep it posted on social media and make sure it continues to be in the dailies. Maybe send an email once a week to emphasize this, too. Hollie A. suggested trying to have a box to try to sell on-site during the monthly drive-thru book pick-ups for primary grades. (This would be good to coordinate with the primary teachers.) Tammy will contact Ted, then let Hollie know. We will announce our current (low) numbers in our announcements. We have a window of opportunity here.
  • MOD Pizza Fundraiser – October 14th. We have plenty of RSVPs now on GroupRaise, so it is officially happening. However you order (online, in person, etc), as long as you MENTION CAP, we will get credit.



  • Amazon Smile (now works on iPhones) & Fred Meyer Rewards – Go to CAP website/CAM dailies to find out how to link your account to our school.
  • Box Tops – download the app and follow the steps. Scan receipts. In September, there were zero submissions for CAP, so let’s all try to remember to do this!


PBIS / PAWS IDEAS – Hollie A. is bringing requests from the PAWS group to CAP, because we often partner with them to provide prizes. She is hesitant to ask too much in donations, because businesses are really hurting. She is wondering if CAP can help us in supporting our local businesses (possibly Dungeon Doughnuts? – possibly purchasing Wendy’s Frosties coupons?) during this time. CAP has a line in the budget and will provide up to $750 annually. (PBIS is a separate committee, which meets once a month, and includes Ms. Marks and Mr. Cowl. Ms. Marks is sending out a survey to all the students to determine how many unused tickets from last year are out there, and then the PBIS committee will determine what they can do to redeem them. The committee is considering having a drive-thru PBIS / PAWS store. They will let CAP know what they need as time goes on.)

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – interviews are coming up to permanently fill the 7th/8th Social Studies position.

BREAKOUT ROOMS – we split by high school, middle school, and primary school and had a more personal time to answer questions and connect. This was especially helpful to parents new to the school this year, as they were able to put names with faces and be welcomed by other parents.

NEXT MEETING: November 3rd, 6-6:40 p.m., on Zoom